Your Chosen Session

19:30 - 20:00
Play Sparring

Select the day(s) to book a session
£12.00 per session
Personal Details
Emergency contact details, if different from the above (optional)
Medical conditions (if applicable)
Tick YES on the medical condition that applies to you
By default, it is assumed that you do not have any medical conditions.
Have you ever suffered from heart trouble?
Are you taking any form of medication?
Do you suffer from chest pain?
Do you suffer from dizzy spells?
Have you ever had either high or low blood pressure, and or high cholesterol level?
Have you ever had asthma, chronic bronchitis or any other chest ailments?
Do you suffer from severe back pains or an orthopaedic problem?
Do you suffer from severe headaches or migraines?
Are you recuperating from a recent illness/operation or injury?
Have you any medical condition that we should be aware of?
Are you pregnant? If yes how many months?
Is there any history of heart disease in your immediate family (before age 55)?
Enter any other medical or disability